Supported H.57, the most radical anti-life legislation in the nation.
Amy Sheldon
Democrat Representative from MiddleburyBen Jickling
Democrat Representative from Braintree, Brookfield, Granville, Randolph, RoxburyCaleb Elder
Democrat Representative from Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, StarksboroDiane Lanpher
Democrat Representative from Addison, Ferrisburg, Panton, Vergennes, WalthamPhilip Jay Hooper
Democrat Representative from Braintree, Brookield, Granville, Randolph, RoxburyMari Cordes
Progressive/Democrat Representative from Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton, StarksboroMatt Birong
Democrat Representative from Addison, Ferrisburgh, Panton, Vergennes, WalthamRobin Scheu
Democrat Representative from Middlebury
Peter Conlon
Democrat Representative from Cornwall, Goshen, Hancock, Leicester, Ripton, Salisbury
Amy Sheldon
Ben Jickling
Caleb Elder
Diane Lanpher
Philip Jay Hooper
Mari Cordes
Matt Birong
Peter Conlon
Robin Scheu