“The Value of a Single Human Life”
“My Brother”
Plainfield, VT
My Brother, Joziah, is one of the greatest blessings in my life. In fact, he is seen as a miracle by all the people I love and care for. He is only 16 months old, and he brings a smile to everyone’s face. Joziah has an interesting story, and by the grace of God, everything fell into place for his life to begin.
My mother was told by doctors she would most likely never have any children because of a condition she had, but then I came to be. My mother then became pregnant with Joziah 14 years later. His chances of survival were much slimmer than mine. My mother had ovarian cancer after she gave birth to me, which affected her fertility. Age also affected her pregnancy with Joziah. Her chance of getting pregnant was below 5%, and Joziah’s chances of survival were about 30%.
Abortion was never something my mom wanted to consider. Doctors even told her to have an abortion, but she said no, even under the challenging circumstances. She didn’t know if things would work out or not, but she still decided to have him. My mom was struggling financially, but she decided to fight for Joziah. Eventually, my mom became blessed. She found the right home for us, and we got many donations for baby supplies. God took care of everything we worried about.
The first months of Joziah’s life were a little rough, but we eventually got used to him. We watched him grow a personality. We watched him reach all of his milestones. He makes us laugh, run around, and smile. His soul lights up around people and fills them with joy. He is the happiest child I know, and that’s because we filled his life with joy and love. It is by the grace of God that he is alive and well.
I am very grateful for Joziah. His life is precious, and he phenomenally changed my family’s lives. We are excited to watch him grow into a young man.