“The Value of a Single Human Life”
Olivia Lucas, grade 12
Brownington, VT
United Christian Academy, Newport, VT
Inhaling and ingesting her fecal matter caused my niece to have seizures while exiting the womb. Kallie is called a neonatal baby. Due to her birthing circumstances, she developed Autism. I am so glad that she fought long and hard in the hospital so I could be her Auntie.
Many people see Autism as a disability, but I believe that it is a blessing. Yes, there are ways it can slow down a child’s growth, but it can impact them in such a positive way. Kallie is four years old. She still has trouble with her speech and just talking in general, however; she can already spell her name neatly, write her numbers up to 20, and absolutely loves cleaning up! She might struggle with the potty training aspects of growing up or not being able to verbalize anything, but that doesn’t stop her from excelling in other areas of life. Kallie loves being outside and helping in any way she can. If her mommy cleans, she will too! Just because my niece has autism doesn’t mean that she has less worth than anybody else. A bundle of joy she is! Kallie loves to dance and play with all of her toys. She has occupational speech therapy to help her communicate with family, a special diet to help her grow, since she is quite small for her age, and the best mom who is there for her 24/7. Though she is small, she is quite the monkey and tends to think that all her aunties and uncles are her personal jungle gym! Her laugh makes me laugh, we have the most fun when making animal sounds together.
Kallie is more than her “disability”. She has just as much potential and worth as I do. Even with Autism, she brings forth the best in herself with a HUGE smile on her face. She may be behind in some aspects of life, but in others she is so far advanced. Although she spent a while in the hospital and gained a birth defect, Kallie is as wonderful as any other child and constantly flourishes. No matter the circumstances surrounding her life, she will always be a blessing to her family and will always make her Auntie proud!